MHO Assessment Timeline

The typical assessment and action planning takes 3-6 weeks, followed by implementation of your organization’s capacity-building priorities over the following months.

Phase 1 : Preparation and Orientation

Convene a designated Assessment Leadership Team Agree on process and participants. Set date for launch and response deadline. Communicate to everyone. Account administrator signs up the organization. (Technical support available if you have problems!) Account administrator invites participants

Phase 2: Individuals Complete Online Survey

Introduce the assessment process to everyone who will participate. Best if there is a group message that goes out to all staff and board members who will be involved and then maybe a conference call or meeting. Explain that the process is confidential and no names will appear with results. Participants complete survey by set date. Typically takes 45 minutes for each person to complete the survey.

Phase 3: Results Analysis

Reports produced by MHO once everyone has completed the assessment. Facilitator will assist with analysis via phone or video conference calls. Typically involves 1-2 team meetings. Identify significant findings regarding rankings, patterns, themes, strategic issues in need of attention. Summary of report findings prepared for wider organizational discussion.

Phase 4: Action Plan

Present findings, first to your organization;s Leadership team, then to full Board and staff.

(Optional Packages include in-person facilitation of action planning session. See Packages page.)

Discuss and agree on action steps/plans for moving forward and addressing priorities.

Phase 5: Implementation

The Organization undertakes capacity building actions over the following months. RoadMap can offer customized support for implementation: such as stategic planning, leadership training, or strategic communications support.